Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hey, Emily Henderson, Where Can I Get That Coffee Table?

Please excuse my very long and very specific post title.

I mentioned a while back that I was looking for a new coffee table to replace the ottoman that Elsie has destroyed. I've had my eye on on a few modern yet rustic options, but so far all I've found have been either too big for my tiny living room or too much for my tiny budget.

I finally spotted the perfect coffee table on an episode of Secrets of a Stylist, Emily Henderson's show over on HGTV -

(sorry for the crappy screen shots)

I love the look and it appears to be the right size and the right price - now I just need to know where to find it!

I've search both HGTV.com and Emily's website and still no clue to find it. . . so I'm asking for some blogosphere (I hate that word) help.

and yes, I have debated emailing or tweeting Emily herself to ask, but I feel a little funny doing so. . . I don't know, we'll see

I tweeted

Your Emmett & Elsie Fix

Emmett & Elsie took turns trying to get me out of bed on Sunday morning.

I have a strict no-getting-out-of-bed-until-after-8 rule on Sundays, but with the sun up at 6:30 it's getting harder and harder to convince Emmett & Elsie that it isn't time to get up yet.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Three Years Ago

Three years ago on Memorial Day, I put an offer in on a cute little house that needed some work. Two days later I recieved a counter offer, and about 20 minutes after that I accepted. Two months later I closed and then two months after that I moved in.

True story.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Yes Please!

How frakking cute are these?!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hello Baby

Spring is in the air (who am I kidding, it's south Florida, Summer is in the air) and we have some new additions at Laurendy Home.

We've got three giant squirrel nests in the mango tree in the back yard with lots of little babies (who I can't get a good shot of) and in the front yard we've got some baby mocking birds making their presence known (there are two babies, but only one is photogenic) -

Don't worry, Mama Mocking Bird was keeping an eye on things and made sure I didn't get too close.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Damage Done

I know yesterday I post this picture of Elsie, looking all cute and sweet and innocent,
cuddling oh so peacefully on my quilt. . . But don't let that photo fool you, there is nothing innocent about that little cat.

Don't believe me? Here's the proof -

This picture really doesn't due justice to the amount of damage Elsie has caused my sofa, but the following picture of my Ottoman gives you some idea. . .

Seriously, that cat is driving me crazy, but for some strange reason I still love her, non stop meowing and all.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Lazy Sunday

Saturday was a very hectic day. My sister came over and helped me do a major clean out of the kitchen and living room. It went something like this -

Her: Why do you have three sets of salt and pepper

Me: Cause. . .

Her: Cause?! Come on now, which ones do you actually

Me: Um, um. . . the simple ones

Her: So lets get rid of the gnome ones then.

Me: No, those are my favorite!

Her: Then why don't you use them?

Me: Because the holes are too big.

Her: So they're useless, get rid of them.

Me: NO! You can't make me!

Her: Fine, then get rid of the squirrel ones.

Me: But I just got those!

Her: But you aren't going to use them.

Me: But I love them! [tears]

Her: This is going to be a long day. . .
So you can see why when Sunday rolled around I decided to be super lazy. Elsie was super down with being lazy -

She took it upon herself to keep me from having to make the bed. Seriously, she laid in that same spot until about 5:30 in the afternoon.

And yes, I did really cry over salt and pepper shakers.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Yes Please!

Love, Love, LOVE. . . (well, all except for the $1,211.99 price tag)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Listening To

Last week I reaffirmed my status as the "best big sister ever" by taking my little sister to see Brett Dennen.

We first saw him together when he opened for OAR almost two years ago and we fell in love. Okay, so maybe I fell in love and just sorta drug my sister to the concert so I wouldn't have to go alone. We were right up against the stage and had the best view in the place.

Here's a little Brett for you to enjoy -

Baby Shower Update - The Invitation

I had originally planned on hand making the baby shower invitations, but after putting together the guest list and realizing exactly how it would take me to put them all together (and the cost of the supplies), I decided to order them from Vista Print instead.

I choose three designs that I thought would work with the "Pink on Pink" theme and then let the mother-to-be pick her favorite -

The only thing I didn't love about this invite was that you couldn't change the font and font color, but for the price (I used a coupon) you can't really beat it. That, and the amount of time saved on not having to make them by hand.

If you can't tell, I'm still trying to convince myself that it was the best option. . .

Monday, May 16, 2011

Under My Umbrella, Ella, Ella. . .

So this weekend was super duper wet & rainy here in South Florida, so my umbrella got itself a nice little workout as I ran errands. . .

I've had the same umbrella for almost 15 years, he sure is a trooper. . . so I feel kinda bad for him when I get home and have no place to store him. . .

He just gets dumped on the front porch and left there until he is dry. . . or until I remember that I've left him sitting out there for a few weeks and shove him in my car.

Okay, I can see this post is quickly going off track. . . basically, with the rainy season upon us I thought it was time to look into a new place to store my trusty little umbrella -

  1. Owl Umbrella Stand

  2. Testrite Umbrlla Stand

  3. Slice Umbrella Stand

  4. Royce Leather Umbrella Stand

  5. Abilio Umbrella Stand

  6. Magis Poppins Umbrella Stand

  7. Squaro Umbrella Stand

  8. Riding Umbrella Stand

  9. Blomus Umbrella Stand

Monday, May 9, 2011

Color Inspiration from BHLDN

Last week, I saw over on Oh Joy that BHLDN had introduced their decor shop.

So being the good blogger that I am, I just had to take a look for myself.

Seeing that I'm not getting married any time soon (because, you know, that would involve being able to maintain a steady healthy relationship), I went looking more for inspiration, rather than, say, purchasing. . .

What did I find? The perfect color combo of teal and gray (with a little white mixed in for good measure) -

I am in love with these colors. I was already leaning towards them for a living, dining room make over. . . BHLDN just sorta pushed me over the edge.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Calypso Cool

I am totally digging some pieces of the new Calypso collection from Target.


I NEED that poof! Just not sure if I want it in silver or in gold. . .

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

One Place, One Space: West Elm - Patio

In honor of the record high, we're movin this feature outside to the patio!

Decisions, Decisions

A couple of weeks ago I shared that I was debating the merits of purchasing three of those glass beverage jars for my friend's baby shower. Just sharing the thought helped me realize that buying three giant beverage jars was a bit of an overkill. . .

And then MissAmandaGinger pointed me towards this beverage jar tower from Z Gallerie -

Talk about two birds with one stone! This baby could totally solve my problem, I mean, come on, awesome would that thing look with three different pink beverages?!

Too bad the nearly $70 price tag places it way out of my budget. . .

So what is a girl to do? Should I pony up the cash and buy the tower of my dreams, should I stick to my budget and buy a cheapy version from TJ Maxx, Marshalls, Homegoods, etc., or should I rethink the beverage situation completely. . .

Monday, May 2, 2011

Yes Please!

I am in love with these vases from Ikea. They're very Adler-ish.