Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Laurendy vs. the Bookcase

I finally finished putting together my bookcase from Ikea! I put it together all by my lonesome (which I do not recommend). My blood,  sweat & treats went into darn bookcase - the blood and tears because I smashed my finger with a hammer. . . but it is together now and that is all that matters.

Now I just have to pull off the protective film, fill it with books and hang a ton of at above it.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


This is seriously the best rug ever. I think everyone should be required to have one, or at least walk over one each and every day.  At just $20 I think I may need to be making a purchase very soon.

Monday, February 25, 2013

How Do You Feel About Art Above the TV?

1 | 2 | 3 | 4
My new TV stand is very low, leaving lots and lots of empty space above it. . . It needs filling, but I'm on the fence on how to fill it - one large piece, lots of small pieces, a faux deer head?  I just don't know.  I found the images above to use as inspiration, but I think they only confused me more. . .
So now I'm asking you -  how do you feel about  art above the TV?

Friday, February 22, 2013

Emmett Update

My poor little puppy had some major dental work yesterday. He has always had bad teeth, its in his genetics. They ended up pulling nine teeth in total, most of them from the right side of his mouth.  His poor little face is all swollen on that side.  He is taking it all like a trooper, except for a little whimpering last night he seems to be fine.  I just have to be careful about his playing with Elsie until he is fully healed, she tends to bat him in the face when they play and I don't want her to actually hurt him.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

You've Got Options: Colorful Side Chairs

As much as I love gray it needs a pop of color to make it shine. And what better way to add a pop of color then with a colorful side chair.

Yellow (above):  
Madeline Chair - $380 | Marjorie Chair - $1,500 |

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Yes Please

I am loving the Metal Bexley Bar from World Market. It looks like it belongs in the lab of a mad scientist and that is awesome!

Monday, February 18, 2013

One Place, One Space: West Elm - Dining Room

For this One Place, One Space I was going to a modern sorta safari style dining room from West Elm inspired by their Dot Potter's Workshop Tableware. I know the owl mug throws it off a bit, but I can't help it, it was just too darn cute not to include.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday Night Happy Hour at Kapow

the drink menu | me (new bangs & all) | Kelly | my margarita & some yummies
the kitchen | steamed buns | fountain out front | the view from the top of the parking garage
Last Friday night Kelly & I enjoyed happy hour at one of our favorite local restaurants - Kapow at Mizner Park in Boca.  You really can't beat their happy hour pricing for their small plates.  We split 5 different dishes for only $16!  The cost of our drink on the other hand. . . but totally worth it.  Seriously, they make the best margarita I have ever had, EVER!  
I'm going to have to do a much better write up of Kapow one of these days, they totally deserve it.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Camera Art Round-Up

So when you are looking for art for a photographer's apartment it only makes sense to start with cameras!  Kelly's walls are super boringly bare. . . so we set off to find her the perfect camera print -
A. Deco Camera - Z Gallerie
C. Kodak Brownie - Fine Art America
D. Camera Print - ReStyleshop
E. Make Magic Happen - ReStyleshop
F. Click Click - Photojojo
G. Vintage Cameras - The Pixel Prince
H. Vintage Camera Watercolor - East Ashley Studio
I. Oh Snap - Project Type
J. Vintage Camera - Z Gallerie

Oh, and Kelly went with J! Though I wouldn't leave out the possiblity of one of the other prints working their way into the design as well.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

DIY: Last Minute Valentine Brooches

I'm not big on Valentine's Day, but this year I decided to embrace the heart.  So I made a bunch of simple heart shaped brooches to wear and give out on the 14th - and you can make some too!

  • scissors
  • colored phone crashed sheets and pink and red
  • a fine tip tip marker
  • pin backs
  • loaded hot glue gun
  • optional - glitter, glue (or glitter glue) paint, metallic marker, sequins, whatever you have on hand

1. Use your Sharpie to freehand draw hearts on your craft foam, aim to make them around 2 inches square (much smaller and they'll be hard to cut out much, bigger and you run out of craft foam to quickly)

2. Use your scissors to carefully cut out your hearts, then decide on a front and a back

3. Now it's time for the fun part - decorating!  Use your glitter glue and what not and go to town on those bad boys (or you can just leave them blank), if your real crazy you can go ahead and glue two of the hearts together overlapping.

4. When you're happy with your little hearts use your hot glue gun to attach the pin backs.

Now you've got yourself a bunch of little heart pins to give out to all your Valentines, give them out as they are or packaging them up for the Cupid's big day

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Trouble with Living Alone

or Lauren Fell Down Go Boom

So I had myself a little mishap this past weekend. I was stsnding on a chair, painting the ceiling in the hallway when the chair tipped and I fell.  Lucky for me, my shoulder hit the doorframe and kept me from smashing my head on the floor.  But it did knock the wind out of me and my ankle hit the ground really hard.

All I could think about while I was laying on the floor trying to catch my breath was that my phone was on the other side of the house and if I can't get up no one would find me for at least 12 hours.

After about 10 minutes I was able to stand up and while I am super sore and my back (and backside) are bruised, my ankle is surprisingly unscathed.

There is a lesson in all this - if you are doing any kind of work around the house, keep a phone within arms reach.  You never know when you will find yourself laying on floor hoping that some one will find you before your cat decides that you look tasty.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Lets Go CAMPing

CAMP is a new shop opened by Morgan of The Brick House.  It features some beautifully designed light fixtures & pillows, but it is her simple modern necklaces that have me drooling.
I did say that I wanted to go camping this year. . . I wonder if buying one of these necklaces would count. . .

Monday, February 4, 2013

Back To Ikea!

Ikea twice in one week!? There is a good chance I might be crazy.  I got a text Saturday morning from Kelly informing me that there might be a few of the Hemnes dresser she wanted might be in stock.  After a few Ikea app checks and a call to the store it was clear that we were stealing my dad's truck and heading back to Ikea.  
Lucky for me the few things that I had wanted last weekend that had been out of stock were back. So I picked up a Lappljung Ruta pillow cover,  2 Hyllis shelves & another Stockholm pillow (because Emmett & Elsie loved the one I bought last week so much).
Knowing exactly what we wanted made this trip to Ikea much smoother, we were in and out in under an hour, I think that might be a record.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Yes Please

When we were at Ikea last weekend I sat my tired self down in the STRANDMON wing chair and fell in love.  Seriously, this chair is not only good looking, but it is SUPER DUPER comfy.  If I had this chair it would be my Sheldon spot, as in no one else would be allowed in it. 
This chair also happens to be the chair I randomly put in the mock up for my reading corner (though, in gray). So, I sorta think that means that I must own this chair at some point. . . 
Oh, and I want to point out that in person the blue is mush deeper.

Man, I really want that chair! Time to start saving.