Wednesday, January 15, 2014

1 Goal, 1 Word

 Being that January is at the halfway point, I guess it is time to share my goals for this year. . .
I've set resolutions and goals in the past and then. . . well. . . nothing.
So this year I am setting one should be attainable goal -
Learn to play one recognizable song on the ukulele.  I bought myself a ukulele last year, learned one note, over-tuned it's strings and then shoved it on a shelf.  My dad bought me new strings and a beginners lesson book for Christmas, so by golly, it is going to happen this year!
Why the ukulele? Well, I've always wanted to learn how to play the guitar, but my fat stubby fingers couldn't manage the frets.  But on the ukulele, they manage just fine.



One word. . . I was watching the Today Show on New Year's Day and motivational expert Jon Gordon was on, he has this instead of setting up a list of resolutions, you should choice a word to live by (see the video here).  Even though I had already set a single goal for the year I decided to give Gordon's idea a try.
It took me a while, but I finally settled on a word: PLAY!
2013 was a very stressful and not very fun year for me, so I think if I keep the idea of PLAY with me that this year can be less about stress and more about enjoyment.  Also, PLAY ties in pretty darn well with my goal of learning to play the ukulele. . . so win, win!
Oh, and Gordon also suggested making art featuring your word as a reminder, so you know that is going to happen.
Do you have a goal, or a word for 2014? Please share.

1 comment:

Kelly C said...

Without a doubt my word is "Happy" - this year is all about the Pursuit of Happy!