Friday, October 15, 2010

Livin' High On The Chicken. . .

One of my former neighbors were raising chickens in their backyard. The chickens would get out of the yard almost daily and there would be a hen parade wandering down the street. Eventually someone would chase them back into their own yard. It was comical the first few times it happened, but after a while it became a bit annoying to have avoid hitting a chicken with your car on the way to work in the morning.

Maybe if they had a coop like the one below those chickens would have had less of a reason to leave their yard.

found via Grassroots Modern

It's the Nogg, isn't it beautiful?!


Seedplanter Designs said...

Lauren, this is a hilarious chicken coop. Looks like a puppy would love it, too. Cozy!

Laurendy said...

the first thought I had when I saw this coop was "hmm, I wonder if it could be used as a dog house". . .

But I'm not so sure Emmett would like living in an egg.