Monday, July 26, 2010

Just Another Reason To Go To Ikea

I have been doing my best to pair down my wardrobe so that I can get rid of some of the furniture that is crowding my already too tiny bedroom. Besides the stuffed closet I had a 6 drawer dresser, two 2 drawer nightstands, and a very large covered freestanding clothing storage rack thingie. . . all in shoved into an under 110 square foot room. . . so say it was tight is an under statement. . .

So I had my mom come over this past weekend to help me try to get it all under control. After about 7 hours of intense sorting, tossing, and cleaning I am proud to say you can actually see the floor (unfortunately it's really ugly tile, but still, you can at least see it).

Our main goal was to be able to get rid of my over sized nightstands and just make some room in the closet and storage rack things. Well we did such an awesome job that after some debating and simple math it appears that I will be able to replace the dresser and over sized storage rack thingie with one Pax closet from Ikea! Lord I love Ikea!

I am going to drag my mom and her SUV down to Sunrise come this Saturday and pick up all the components. I really like the look of the birch on white. Oh, I can't wait till this weekend!!

(by the way, I'm going with the white 39 inch by 79 inch frame, one birch drawer, one or two birch shelves, a hanging rod, and the birch doors)

1 comment: said...

Isn't it a great feeling when you finally get everything organized and in it's place...Weehee!