Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Foto School

There was a point and time in my life where I wanted to be a photographer - I was even offered a spot at a pretty good art school, but I was a chicken and went to "normal" college instead. I miss photography dearly. To help ease the ache a bit I enrolled in Miss B's Souvenir Foto School, unfortunately all it has done is make me miss photography even more than I did before. It's not all "woo is me" though, the thing I love the most about Souvenir Foto School is that it has made me think about my photos as photos again and not just "pictures". And it has made me want break out my trusty old 35mm again and start shooting (now if I can only find it). So thank you Miss B and thank you Souvenir Foto School!

my photos from this session of Souvenir Foto School


You might have noticed that I have made a few photos available through Image Kind, I'm not sure if I'm going to keep this feature or not, but for now I'll give it a go.

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