Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What Do You Mean He's Not Dead

I told you last week that Gray Boy had passed. . . I didn't want to go into details, cause well, it would have been gross. . . but I will tell you that when my mother and I found him we didn't get within 15 feet of him because well, hmm, it wasn't pretty and there was a smell. . . My dad came over gave him a proper burial.

So imagine my complete and utter shock when my roommate woke me up Sunday night around midnight and dragged me outside to see Gray Boy sitting on a chair on the front porch. . . I spent a good 60 seconds just standing there staring at him, thinking that maybe I was dreaming, then he jumped off the chair and ran over to me for a scratch behind the ears.

So Gray Boy is very much alive and there is a unknown gray and white kitty buried in my backyard. . .

Oh, and now my friends are referring to Gray Boy as Zombie Kitty, Devil Cat, and Resurrection Kitty.

1 comment:

the shoppe owner said...

They do have nine lives, after all :O) Well, at least somebody else's kitty got a lovely burial. And yay! Your kitty is alive!