Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Baby Crazy

I have gone baby crazy - I really didn't expect to be as excited about my up-coming niece as I am - but I've gone off the deep end baby wise. . . My cousin/sister and I have already been emailing each other back and forth with baby bedding options. . . figuring that is the best place to start when it comes to designing the nursery. . . Heck, I've already sent out my first baby package (I'll share what I sent only after it is received). . .

So I'm figuring between now and January there will probably be at least 1 baby post a week. . . so if you are not a baby fan, I apologize in advance. . .

(Oh, and this so do not count as this week's baby post)

1 comment:

Bathroom Vanities said...

I remember those times when my sister was pregnant with her son! It's so exciting and just an amazing experience :-) I am still yet to meet him and can't wait! Babies bring so much joy and happiness!