Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sofa Search - Update

I mentioned before that I've been to both Rooms To Go and Badcock to look at their sofas in person. I found a usable option at both stores:

Please excuse the low quality camera phone pictures - the color is horribly off in each photo. The sofa on the top is from the Condo Collection at Rooms To Go and is actually a nice gray color. The sofa on the bottom is from Badcock and is actually a pretty dark brown color.

So the one thing we know for certain is that I like square sofas with tufted cushions. . .


Cheap Soma said...

Doesn't tufted sofas get lumpy faster? I bought a tufted sofa five years ago and it has become so lumpy, it feels like sitting on balls of foam rather than a sofa.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I'm loving grey right now!