Monday, December 15, 2008

Pet Update

Licorice is MIA, and it's freaking me out. She showed up Saturday night for the party, hung out in a corner of the yard. . . but I haven't seen her since, and I'm worried. I over slept on Sunday (as expected) so I thought that maybe she just gave up on me yesterday morning, but when she didn't show up last night or this morning the worry set in. . .

I'm afraid to leave food out for her when she's not around because there has been an annoying little leopard cat hanging about, and I don't want to feed her inadvertently (when I say annoying, I mean annoying). If she doesn't go home soon [she is not a stray] I will take her to the pound, she is quite pretty, so she would be scooped up no problem.

But back to Licorice - I am really hoping that she is there waiting for me when I get home from work this afternoon, if she's not, well, I'm not sure what I'll do. . . I can't very well put up "lost cat" signs for a cat that has yet to let me touch her.

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